We are a multidisciplinary group of independent mental health providers serving children, adolescents, and adults. We are located on the northeast side of Lake Union. 

Lake Union Psychiatric Group


Our office is taking measures to reduce potential exposures to patients, caregivers and providers. If you have exhibited signs of an upper respiratory infection (cold, flu or possible coronavirus), including fever, cough and/or shortness of breath, or have had close contact with an individual suspected of being COVID-19-positive or who has tested positive, or have had recent travel that may increase your risk of exposure, please call your provider in advance of your appointment and do not come to the office without discussing possible risks in advance.

Likewise, if your provider is exhibiting upper respiratory symptoms or has had possible or known exposure to COVID-19, she will call you in advance of your appointment.

We are taking steps to disinfect our building and offices, and recommend use of hand sanitizer (at least 60% alcohol content) or hand washing with soap and water for at least 20 seconds upon your arrival and exit from our office.

Your provider may discuss the option of telehealth/telepsych care, which is a step being taken by many area hospitals and clinics.

Please view your provider’s individual webpage on this website for any provider-specific information.